On December 15, 2022, the annual traditional mini-football tournament – 2022 was held in the Zhenis sports complex among the divisions of Mangystau Oil Refining LLP, in honor of the main national holiday, Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The objective of this tournament is to attract as many employees of the Company as…
Since yesterday, by order of the Director of Mangystau Oil Refining LLP dated November 4, 2022, scheduled training of personnel on the “Civil Protection” course has been started. The training is aimed at acquiring knowledge and skills, improving the skills of employees in order to ensure safety when performing work. During the training, the staff…
This week, the employees of Mangystau Oil Refining LLP passed an annual training course on the Fire-technical minimum. Fire safety training is necessary for all persons who are at fire-hazardous facilities for possible prevention or timely elimination of fire. Since the beginning of this year, 109 employees have been trained in the Company. The training…
“The procedure for re-certification is the same as when receiving it for the first time. The certification body to whom the application was submitted is the international Company TUF Rheinland Kazakhstan, LLP – one of the leaders in the field of certification. Certification is a part of the Company’s policy. In the Republic of Kazakhstan,…
First of all, crude oil enters the territory of the production base by means of railway (hereinafter railway) tanks. Oil is drained from the railway overpass by means of connection to the devices of the lower drain, which in turn is transported to the hydrocarbon processing plant for the implementation of the main process –…
Fuel oil – M100
Furnace fuel
Diesel fuel